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Beauty comes in many forms, and a defined jawline lays the foundation for some of the most beautiful faces. Youthful faces tend to be smooth and well contoured. But age and environmental factors can soften the contours of our jawlines, leading to sagging and ‘jowling’.

Profile of woman showing the jawline area where lifting-style dermal fillers may be used

The effects of ageing on the jawline

Natural compounds including collagen, hyaluronic acid and elastin help to give young skin its full and firm appearance. From our twenties onwards, production of these compounds steadily decreases, leading to a loss of elasticity and firmness and the formation of wrinkles. At the same time, the loss of fat pads in the face can lead to a loss of volume, saggy skin and ‘jowling’ at the jawline. A gradual loss of bone as we age leads to a loss of contours and definition. Exposure to harsh sunlight has a cumulative effect that becomes especially apparent in the forties and fifties.

Aesthetic treatments for the jawline

Lifting-style dermal fillers are one potential treatment to improve the appearance of the lower face. Jawline fillers are typically used to provide shape, structure and definition to the jawline. When placed in the deeper layers of the skin, fillers provide a consistency that is soft and yet firm enough to provide and retain volume and shape. Lifting-style jawline fillers may also be used in cases where an individual wishes to enhance their facial features to achieve an aesthetic goal.

Click here to read more about dermal fillers and the science behind the treatment. 


The below gallery shows examples of how patients appeared before and after treatment with cosmetic injectables such as dermal fillers used on the jawline.

Before & After

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A man before removing the signs of ageing on his face
A woman's face before her face was filled with dermal fillers
A woman's face before getting dermal fillers
A woman with an ageing appearance before dermal fillers
Saggy skin of a woman before collagen booster
Face volume loss before collagen stimulator in a woman
The woman's face before treating her crow's feet
A woman's face before anti-wrinkle treatment
A man before removing the signs of ageing on his face
A woman's face before her face was filled with dermal fillers
A woman's face before getting dermal fillers
A woman with an ageing appearance before dermal fillers
Saggy skin of a woman before collagen booster
Face volume loss before collagen stimulator in a woman
The woman's face before treating her crow's feet
A woman's face before anti-wrinkle treatment
Before A man before removing the signs of ageing on his face
After The face of man after removing signs of ageing
  • Dermal fillers: cheeks, smile lines and jawline.
  • Individual results may vary.
Before A woman's face before her face was filled with dermal fillers
After A woman's face after receiving dermal fillers
  • Dermal fillers: cheeks, nose, chin and lips.
  • Individual results may vary.
Before A woman's face before getting dermal fillers
After A woman's glowing look after receiving dermal fillers
  • Dermal fillers: forehead, cheekbones, cheeks, nose, lips and chin.
  • Individual results may vary.
Before A woman with an ageing appearance before dermal fillers
After A woman with a youthful appearance after dermal fillers
  • Dermal fillers: cheeks, lips and chin.
  • Individual results may vary.
Before Saggy skin of a woman before collagen booster
After The radiant face of a woman after receiving collagen booster
  • Collagen stimulator: cheeks, smile lines and chin.
  • Individual results may vary.
Before Face volume loss before collagen stimulator in a woman
After A woman's face after collagen skin booster adds volume
  • Collagen stimulator: cheeks, smile lines and chin.
  • Individual results may vary.
Before The woman's face before treating her crow's feet
After A woman's face after treating her crow's feet
  • Anti-wrinkle treatments: frown lines and crow's feet; 
  • Dermal fillers: cheeks, smile lines, lips and chin.
  • Individual results may vary.
Before A woman's face before anti-wrinkle treatment
After A woman's face after receiving anti-wrinkle treatment
  • Anti-wrinkle treatments: frown lines and crow's feet; 
  • Dermal fillers: cheeks, smile lines, lips and chin.
  • Individual results may vary.

Skin insights